Family and Genus:- See- ALLIACEAE/Sect. ALLIUM

Common Name:- Wild leek

Homotypic Synonyms:- Allium ampeloprasum subsp. euampeloprasum,
Allium porrum var. ampeloprasum, Allium porrum subsp. euampeloprasum.
Porrum ampeloprasum.

Meaning:- Allium (L) The ancient Latin name for garlic.
                  Ampeloprasum (Gr) Leek of the vineyard.

General description:- Very variable medium to tall bulbous perennial.

1) Broadly ovoid, with membranous tunics.
2) Bulblets, usually numerous, ± spheroidal.

1) 40-110, stout.

1) 4-10, narrow-elongated, V-shaped in section, usually rather greyish-green.
    rough on the margin, sheathing the lower part of the stem and generally withered 
    by flowering time.

1) 4-5-5 mm long.campanulate or cupuliform, white to pink, purple or dark red.
    borne in umbels.
2) Umbels, large very dense, 5-9 cm diam. with up to 500 flowers.
3) Pedicels, at least some more than 20 mm.
4) Perianth segments, elliptical, smooth or with few large papillae around midvein.
5) Inner filaments, tricuspidate.
6) Anthers and style exserted.

Key features:-
1) Umbel, 4-8 cm in diam.
2) Pedicels, at least some >20 mm.
3) Stamens ± equalling perianth.
4) Bulblets, usually numerous.
5) Outer perianth segments, widest near middle, smooth or with few large papillae
    near the midvein.

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Cultivated and fallow fields, occasionally in cliffs or semi-natural rocky

Distribution:- Occurs in much of the Mediterranean region, SW Asia and is
introduced elsewhere.. Widespread and common on Crete.

Flowering time:- April-July       

Photos by:- Steve Lenton